Friday, January 18, 2008

First Post: Steve

Here's a freebie:

It's an interview with one of the people publicly playing with a leveling restriction. In this case, the player is attempting to hit lvl. 70 without killing anything. What caught my attention was the extent of his roleplaying. His two characters are inspired by real historical figures. Also, he'll start quests even when he knows his character will be ambushed, just so long at the character had an expectation of completing the quest without having to kill.
I wanted something to bring up Super Columbine Massacre RPG. If you
haven't player SCMRPG or are unaware of the controversy, you owe it to
yourself to check it out. The author of the game is quiet intelligent
in his defense against critics. This article focuses mainly on V-Tech
Rampage. This new game is much less nuanced, and it seems the designer
was trying for little more than shock value. I found it most
interesting because the author of the article called on the game
industry at large to tackle "thorny" issues and current events. He
mentions the movie "United 93," and I'd bring up the idea of "Escape
from Auschwitz."
This is a pretty good exchange by a couple of guys who got to play
some of Manhunt 2 on the Wii. They touch on censorship, ultra-violent
cinema, the distinction between an observer and an interactive player,
and of course, the role of motion controls in violent games. It also
makes me really anxious to play Manhunt or its sequel.

1 comment:

kpenn said...

I agree with the article that the rating is unjust. There are some scenes that may not be for everybody, but I truly believe it does not deserve the bad rap it is getting. Even the mention of the guy that hung himself or the guy urinating on you. Both of those happen in the first minute and it is really just used to get you kind of freaked out and confused while you are first starting out the game, at least that's my opinion...good article.