Thursday, February 14, 2008


Goonswarm's wiki - Goonswarm being the alliance based around Goonfleet, the Something Awful based EVE corporation(aka a guild) which is the single largest corporation in the game.

It's mostly interesting to note that a lot of controversy and complaints surround Goonfleet when in fact most of them are from whiny players(no I'm not in Goonfleet) who seem to only complain because Goonfleet is so big and therefore does really well, but plays within the confines of the game.

Goonfleet has also themselves raised issue and made accusations several times of favoritism among EVE players who personally know CCP employees or are in fact CCP employees themselves who have placed themselves into corporations and given themselves director access. Band of Brothers being one of the main corporations which is heavily accused of being in bed with CCP and this is likely at least one source of the heavy rivalry between Goonfleet and BoB.

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