Monday, February 11, 2008

Just for Fun

"World of Warcraft": Spieler lässt sich Hintern tätowieren, um an Gold zu kommen

Ein junge Spieler des Online-Rollenspiels "World of Warcraft" und Mitglied der Gilde "Garithos" wollte unbedingt den im Spiel erhältlichen Flugmount haben. Um sich den leisten zu können, brauchte er 4.000 Goldstücke. Er war aber zu faul, sich das Geld mühsam im Spiel zu verdienen.

So bat er seine Gilden-Kollegen, für ihn das Gold aufzutreiben. Als Gegenleistung versprach er, dass er seinen Hintern mit der Internetadresse der Gilde und den Worten "Swallow or it's going in your eye" tätowieren lassen würde. Dieser Spruch ist so etwas wie das Motto der Gilde.

Seine Gilden-Freunde ließen nicht lange auf sich warten und schenkten ihm schließlich die 4.000 Goldstücke. Er veröffentlichte dann ein Video auf YouTube, um seinen Freunden zu beweisen, dass er sich tatsächlich die Tätowierung hat machen lassen.

World of Warcraft: Player allows his behind to be tattooed in order to receive gold

A young player from the MMORPG “World of Warcraft” and a member of the guild “Garithos” would like nothing more than to obtain the flying mount. In order to get this, he needs 4000 gold pieces. He was, however, too lazy to earn the money himself ingame.

So he asked his guild to give him the money. As payment (lit. collateral) he promised to tattoo the internet address of the guild along with the words, “Swallow or it’s going in your eye,” on his buttocks. This phrase is the motto of the guild.

His guild-mates didn’t wait long and gifted him the 4000 gold-pieces. He then posted a video on You Tube of the tattoo in order to prove that he had gone along with it.

This most recent comment on this article pretty much mirrors my thoughts:

Also dieser "Spieler" hat anscheinend nicht mehr alle Tassen im Schrank. Jetzt hat er eine lebenslange Erinnerung an seine begangene Dummheit.

This „player“no longer has all the cups in his cupboard. Now he has a lifelong reminder of his commitment to stupidity.

I can’t even begin to imagine how he’ll feel when WoW is no longer being played. I suppose this shows the consequences of mixing intensity and poor judgment. Is he too intense? Too stupid? He probably could have asked for more gold. He probably could have bought the gold for less than the price of the tattoo.


dhiraj said...

Hmmm...economy in games can get so interesting! Money laundering, illegal betting, barter, collateral, etc all rolled into one.

kpenn said...

WOW...originally no pun intended, but now it is. Who are these people?